Parent Handbook



8:00                                         Principal and Secretary on duty

8:10                                         Teachers on duty at school

8:25                                         Instruction begins- All grades

10:00 – 10:15                         Recess- Grades K-2

10:30 – 10:45                         Recess- Grades 3-5

11:30-12:15                            Lunch- Grade K

12:15 – 1:00                           Lunch- Grades 1-5

1:30 (M,T,Th,F)                      Kindergarten Dismissal

2:00 – 2:10                             Recess- Grades 4 and 5

2:35 (M,T,Th,F)                       Dismissal- Grades 1, 2 and 3

3:10 (M,T,Th,F)                       Dismissal- Grades 4 and 5

4:00                                         Office Closes

Wednesday Dismissal Times

12:00pm                                Kindergarten Dismissal

12:20                                      Grades 1-5 Dismissal




●   PTA Executive Board meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month (September through 

May) at 7pm over Zoom.

●   PTA General Association meetings are held via zoom on the third Wednesday

in September, November, January, March and May at 7pm also held over Zoom.

●   Parents are encouraged to attend all meetings. All votes count at association meetings.

School site council meetings:

Site Council Meetings are held four times per year. School Site Council members are elected for a 2-year term. These meetings are open to all parents. Contact the school office for more information on dates, times and locations.

Parent-teacher  conferences:

You will work with your child’s teacher to schedule your conference. Conference days are minimum days. Check with your child's teacher to see whether or not your child should attend the conference with you.

●   November 15, 17, 18, 21, 22 for grades K-5

●   March 12, 14, 15, 18, 19 for grades K-5

Statewide Testing:

The CAASPP (California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress) is usually administered for grades 3-8 in early May. The STAR science tests in grades 5 and 8 are expected to continue until new science assessments are developed. Exact dates will be announced. California is fully committed to the Common Core State Standards.

School Holidays 2022-2023:

September 4, Monday: Labor Day

October 9, Monday: Indigenous Peoples Day

November 10, Friday:  Veterans Day 

November 22-24: Thanksgiving Break

December 21-31: Winter Break

January 1-8: Winter Break

January 8, Monday:  Staff Development Day/Non-student day

January 9, Tuesday:  First day back for students

January 15, Monday:  Martin Luther King Jr. Day

February 19-23: Mid-Winter Break

April 8-12: Spring Break

May 10, Friday:  No School

May 27, Monday: Memorial Day

June 7, Friday: Last Day Of School - minimum day





Back to School Night & Open House

Back-to-School Night in the Fall (parents only), and Open House in the Spring (families invited), provide opportunities to see your child’s classroom and meet his or her teacher. In the Fall, the teachers will speak about curriculum, classroom rules and consequences, schedules, special projects, and other aspects of the classroom. In the spring you may visit with your children to see and share their achievements in the classroom.


Books and accompanying workbooks are Belmont-Redwood Shores School District Property. If your child loses or destroys a book or workbook, your family will be charged for the replacement cost.

Bicycles/Skateboards/Scooters/Roller Blades/Shoes with Built-in Wheels

Children are NOT encouraged to ride bicycles to school as the hills are not safe AND we cannot guarantee bike security. Children are not to ride skateboards or wear roller blades or shoes with built-in wheels to school, as the area is far too dangerous. Scooters are discouraged, but if a student rides a scooter to school he/she must wear a safety helmet.

Birthday Party Policy:

We understand your child’s birthday is a special day, and our teachers at Central have ways to honor students on their birthday. If you choose to bring something in for your child to share, make it a non-food item. Consider one pencil per student, or a set of stickers per student, or have your child give a gift to the classroom in his/her name (athletic equipment, books, board games, puzzles). Thank you for respecting Central’s birthday policy!

Central Scoop

Each Tuesday Central families and staff receive the Central Scoop, a consolidation of the week’s announcements, and flyers from various sources including the school district, PTA, sports, scouting, etc. It contains both important and fun information. Read it carefully to keep in touch with what’s happening in and around Central. Please use this link to sign-up.


No Dogs Policy. This is a district wide policy. Dogs are not permitted on campus at anytime, unless they are sight dogs, it’s “Pets Week”, or they are pre-approved by the office. This includes after school and on weekends. There are signs posted throughout the school to remind you. If you bring a dog to school you will be asked to leave immediately.

Dolphin Park

Dolphin Park is a wonderful place for children to play and parents to chat. Please remember that a parent or other caregiver must supervise children while they are in Dolphin Park.

Dress Code

Parents should assume responsibility for seeing that students arrive at school properly dressed.

Kiddie Valet

This is a PTA service to make student drop-off more efficient and safe. Staff, parent volunteers, and trained fifth grade students assist students getting out of their vehicles at morning arrival.


Central has a NO NIT POLICY intended to keep our children lice free, nit free, and in school. Occasionally, lice will make an appearance. While this is nothing to be alarmed about, steps need lice while at school, you will be notified and asked to immediately pick up your child at the school office. If you find lice on your child at home, please notify the school office so that a notice can be

sent home with your child’s classmates. Your child’s name will not be listed on the notice. Please don’t return your child to school until all lice and nits are completely gone. All students must come to the school office for a head check before returning to class.


Lunch & Snacks

Lunch Period is from 12:15 – 1:00  p.m., during which students will have time to eat and play. Students will eat at outdoor picnic tables, weather permitting, or in their classrooms. Good manners will be expected. Please send nutritious lunches in marked lunch boxes or bags.  Breakfast and lunch are provided free of charge.

For safety purposes, please don’t send your child to school with glass containers. 



Lunch/Snack Guidelines: 

We encourage healthy eating.  Eating nutritious foods helps our children learn better.  With childhood obesity on the increase it is important that children learn how to make healthy choices.  DO NOT send the following foods during lunch or snack times: soda, candy, most types of chips, cookies, sugary cereal, and cakes/doughnuts.  See below for some ideas.







lean lunch meat

brown rice

whole grain bread




whole grain pasta


100% fruit juice

whole grain cereal

veggie chips

sunflower butter







chicken breast


graham crackers

For more great food ideas visit



 Certain students may need to take medication during the school day. The requirements for prescription and non-prescription medication (e.g. aspirin, cold tablets, cough drops, nose or eye drops) are the same. The school administrator, or other persons designated by the superintendent, shall assist such students in taking their medication.   All medications must be kept in the school office and a medical authorization form must be filled out and signed by both the parent and the doctor.  Use this link for form.

** If your child has any allergies that require an Epi-Pen, please notify the office immediately.


The parent/guardian of a student on a continuing medication regimen for a non-episodic condition shall inform the school principal, or other designated certified school employee, of the medication being taken, the current dosage, and the name of the supervising physician.


Multi-Use Room

The Multi-Use Room is available for community group meetings.  Please call the school office for details and availability.


Outdoor Education

Fifth grade students and their teachers spend five days at Jones Gulch each year.  Additional information will be forthcoming during the school year.


Parent Bulletin Board

The Parent Bulletin Board, funded and maintained by the PTA, is located in the hallway behind the amphitheater. It is a good place to get information about upcoming school and community events. If you’d like to place a notice, please check with the office first.


Parking Rules and Regulations

Traffic Rules and regulations have been implemented to ensure a safe environment for all of our students during drop-off and pick-up hours. We encourage those of you who live near other Central students to form morning and afternoon carpools or walking pools to reduce congestion. The following rules have all been made in conjunction with the Belmont Police Department and the Belmont Traffic Safety Specialist.



Children will be supervised in front of the school for up to 15 minutes after dismissal time. After that they will be taken to the amphitheater. In order to avoid waiting in the pick-up line, come approximately 5 minutes after dismissal.  DO NOT ARRIVE EARLY.  Arriving a few minutes after dismissal will avoid congestion and possible ticketing by a police officer.


Resource Specialist Program

This program is available to support students with specific learning disabilities. Students must qualify for the program. An Individual Education Plan is established with parents.


Rolling Backpacks

For safety reasons, rolling backpacks are discouraged. They can be a tripping hazard when students and staff are coming and going in the hallways. If your child does have a rolling backpack, they will be asked to carry it when inside the school. 


Room Representatives

Each class has a room parent to represent the class.  Responsibilities may include: organizing class parties, collecting supplies/funds for class projects, getting parents involved and more.  Sign up at the beginning of school to represent your child’s class.


Safe Schools Program

The Belmont Safe Schools Program was developed as a cooperative effort between the Belmont Police Dept. and the public and private schools within the City of Belmont.  It is designed to ensure the safety of our children in the event of a school related emergency. The BRSSD has adopted The Big Five response protocols in conjunction with the San Mateo County Office of Education and local emergency responders. At Central, we ask all of our families to prepare an emergency packet for each of our students (Sept-early October) for the event of an emergency (such as an earthquake).  Our school conducts regular emergency drills.


School Site Council

School staff and parents work together on the School Site Council (SSC) to identify and implement curriculum and instructional practices that result in both strengthening the core academic program and ensuring that students have access to and success in the program.


The School Site Council meets four times per year for the purpose of planning, implementing, and evaluating our School Site Plan. The council is composed of five parents and five staff members. Parent representatives are elected for a 2-year term. Observers are also welcome at the monthly meetings.  Contact the school office for this year's dates and locations.



Our speech therapist works with students who have a variety of speech- and language-related issues. This service is available through the School District, for pre-school aged children through elementary school aged. For questions about this program, contact your child’s teacher and/or the principal.


Student Leadership Teams

Fifth graders are expected to offer service to Central School.  Responsibilities include Kiddie Valet, flag duty, office duty, and other areas as needed. Participating students receive a recognition party at the end of the year sponsored by the Carlmont Village Shopping Center.


Telephone Use

The school phone is available for your child to contact you if it is necessary. After-school and other personal arrangements are to be made at home.  Please do not call the office to leave messages for your child unless it is an emergency. Please make arrangements before school hours.  Often messages cannot be delivered immediately and sometimes become overlooked.

Cell phones are not permitted at Central School.


Visitor’s Pass

If you need to bring something to your child (a forgotten lunch, musical instrument, folder, backpack, etc.), please bring it to the office, not your child’s classroom. Taking items into a classroom disrupts the students and the teacher. The item will be taken to your child at the first available opportunity. *Please remember, whenever you visit the school, at ANYTIME for ANY REASON, it is MANDATORY that you sign in at the office and pick up your visitor’s pass.


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School Policies



Please call the school attendance line, (650) 620-2810, or e-mail before school begins to let us know that your child will be absent. We want and need to know that all children who left home arrive at school safely.


When to Keep Your Child Home From School Due to Illness:

(As defined and recommended by the Health Department and the American Pediatric Association)


How parents can help:


Anti-Bullying Policy:

Bullying can have harmful effects on student learning and school attendance.Our district desires to provide a safe school environment that protects students from physical and emotional harm.Education around what bullying is, how students report bullying, and how it can be prevented is presented to students at the beginning of the school year.Bullying includes physical, written, verbal, or other means that are used to harass, sexually harass, threaten, intimidate, cyber-bully, cause bodily injury to or commit hate violence against any student or school personnel.Any student participating in bullying acts on school premises or off campus, that causes a substantial disruption of a school activity or school attendance, are subject to discipline.At Central, we focus on establishing a positive, collaborative school climate where our students can learn.


Belmont-Redwood Shores School District Discipline Policy:

District Philosophy


Student Responsibilities Include:


Parent Responsibilities Include:


School Responsibilities Include:


Disciplinary Actions May Include:

  • student counseling                                    

  •  parent conferences

  • detention                                              

  •  assignment of special tasks

  • suspension                                               

  •  referral to site administrator

  • loss of privileges (i.e., graduation, athletics, etc.)                                 

  •  expulsion (ref. CA State Educ. Code #48900) 



The Belmont-Redwood Shores School District complies with state laws that prohibit use of any tobacco products on any school district property by any person, adult or child BP3513.3. A full copy of the District Policy is available at the School or District Office.


Central School Rules of Student Conduct and Discipline Policy

General Expectations           

Students are to:


Classroom Expectations                

Students should:


Playground Expectations

Students are to: 


Lunch Table Manners

Students are expected to:



Belmont-Redwood Shores School District Homework Policy

The Board believes that it is the responsibility of the District through the staff to initiate, support, monitor, and evaluate homework. The Board further recognizes that homework is a vital component in the school life of children and is a life-long process. Extending the pursuit of educational success beyond the classroom into the student’s home is to be encouraged by the District.


1.   To encourage development of independent study habits, skills, and responsibilities.

2.   To reinforce, enrich, and extend learning by providing a variety of educational opportunities outside the classroom.

3.   To provide a transition of required amounts of homework between elementary and intermediate grades and between intermediate grades and high school.

4.   To provide an additional opportunity for family involvement in the child’s education.


1.   The principal has the responsibility to coordinate with staff members a homework plan that implements District policy and to communicate this plan to parents.

2.   The teacher has the responsibility to communicate and explain homework expectations to students and parents, and to monitor and evaluate homework.

3.   The parent has the responsibility to cooperatively support this portion of the educational program by encouragement and involvement with the student.

4.   The student has the responsibility to complete all assigned tasks.


The type of homework assignment and length should vary according to the student’s potential and need. The following times, therefore, are recommended as an average and approximate amount of homework to be given at the various grade levels:


5-10 minutes of family homework, 4 times a week

10 to 15 minutes nightly reading

Grade 1

Math  15 minutes, 4 times a week

Spelling  5 to 10 minutes nightly (beginning November)

Reading/Phonics  20 minutes nightly

Grade 2

Math 10 to 15 minutes, 4 times a week

Language Arts/Spelling  10 to 15 minutes, 4 times a week

Reading  10 to 20 minutes, 4 times a week

Grade 3

Math  15 to 20 minutes, 4 times a week

Language Arts/Spelling  10 to 15 minutes, 4 times a week

Reading/Reports 20 minutes nightly

Grade 4

Spelling/Science/Math/Reports/Projects 40-50 minutes nightly

Reading  20-25 minutes nightly

Grade 5

Vocabulary/Science/Math/Reports/Projects  50 to 60 minutes nightly

Reading 30 minutes nightly

these times may vary by grade level according to teacher and individual child

Legal reference: Education Code §51000 et seq. (General instructional programs, especially §51002: development of local programs within guidelines).


Central School Homework Policy

Our goal is to extend the learning day with homework assignments that are consistent with the curriculum.


Homework assignments should:


How much time should your child spend on homework? Clearly, the nature of the assignments themselves has an impact on how much time is appropriate. Homework that involves active explorations and includes peer or family participation provides an entirely different experience from assignments that focus on repetitive drills. It would be inappropriate, for example, to ask a first or second grade child to do an hour’s worth of computational exercises, but an assignment to go to the store with mom or dad and help read and compare prices, add up the cost of items, count change, and so on could easily take longer, but be entirely appropriate.


Many homework assignments do not require students to find the “one right answer.” Rather, they invite students to find original solutions. For example, students might be asked to answer this question: How far is it around the block where you live? One child might attack the question by pacing off the distance. Another might measure the number of lengths with a garden hose. Still another might clip a card to a bicycle tire, counting the clicks that occur and multiply them times the tire’s circumference. All students should be given time to discuss how they arrived at their solutions and compare the advantage of their different strategies. Such activities reinforce the notion that there are multiple pathways to a given intellectual destination. They also demonstrate that learning occurs everywhere—not just in the classroom—and that it is a lifelong endeavor.


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The Importance of Volunteers


Central welcomes a high level of parent participation. When parents are involved in their children’s schooling, both the children and the school benefit. One way to become involved is to volunteer at your child’s school. Whether you work outside or inside the home, there are hundreds of volunteer opportunities available to you at Central. Some volunteer positions require a significant output of energy and time; others require less than one hour per school year. Please read the following to consider how you can fit some Central volunteer time into your busy schedule. It is deeply appreciated by everyone at the school, including your own child.


How you can help                                                            


In the Classroom:                                                                         

P.S. As a classroom volunteer, you accept the responsibility of confidentiality.


 As a Speaker:

Parents can serve as speakers on career and multi-cultural topics. Parents who have special interests or hobbies are fascinating speakers for classrooms or small groups of students. The curriculum is enriched by such presentations, and the students gain a deeper, more complete understanding of a topic.

PTA and Site Council:

You can become a PTA board member or Site Council representative, attend PTA or Site Council meetings, or work on various PTA or Site Council committees. 



P.S.  Many of these can be done at home…


Volunteer Requirements:

Volunteers who may be alone with students must have fingerprint clearance with the Department of Justice. Fingerprint clearance will be valid for a volunteer’s entire time in the Belmont-Redwood Shores School District.  


Volunteers may also be required to have a TB test depending on the amount of time they are volunteering.  Volunteers who are transporting children in their own vehicles are required to show proof of insurance.


For further information, and to complete the necessary forms, visit BRSSD volunteer information.