
At Central, kindergarten teachers work together to focus on the whole child – academically, emotionally, socially and physically. Our curriculum adheres to the rigorous California Common Core Standards as we strive to reach every child’s academic potential as a reader, writer, and mathematician. We also find ways every day to give our children opportunities to play, to make social connections, to become independent and responsible, and to explore their creativity. 


For example, while Central kindergartners spend time learning reading and writing strategies, math skills, as well as science and social studies concepts, they also spend time investigating some of the great artists of the world. From Vincent Van Gogh to Georgia O’Keeffe to Claude Monet, students get to know each artist’s life, what inspired them and what art techniques made them unique. They also get to paint their own versions of some of these artists’ greatest paintings.

Students, parents, and teachers agree…kindergarten is the place to be!